Nationwide UniFi Network Solutions & Support

That's one way to mount a UniFi AP...

Preventing UniFi Installation Issues Before They Start – UniFi Unglued

This post details a cautionary tale about a "wrong" UniFi deployment and emphasizes the importance of proper planning and preparation when undertaking this complex undertaking. It mentions the various problems encountered with the deployment, including misconfigured wireless connections and high latency due to over-utilization of the web server. It discusses the implications of these issues and how they can be avoided with thorough planning and review. Finally, the post provides valuable tips and insight into effective deployment and management of UniFi networks. This post serves as a useful reminder to UniFi users and administrators to take article the time and effort to ensure proper planning and implementation.
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3 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up a UniFi Network

This WordPress post highlights three common mistakes made when setting up a UniFi Network, and provides tips on how to avoid them. The most common mistakes are not enabling the latest version of the firmware, not setting up a separate Guest Network, and not using the right firewall rules. Each of these errors can have serious consequences, so it is important to avoid them in order to ensure a secure and reliable UniFi network. To guarantee the best performance of the network, make sure to double-check the settings and take advantage of all the features the UniFi software has to offer.
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